Friday, April 21, 2006

There is this recurring thought I have when I am doing my 40 mins of cardio each day,"How did I let myself get this out of shape?" I believe it has to do with how you feel about yourself and how things are going in day-to-day goings on in life. I have or thought I had one of the worst years in my life last year. As I look back on last year and others,it hasn't been that bad. I eat, and according to the scale too much, have clothes on my back and have a roof over my head. I have come to realize that having these small things in life is priceless. I like to think that I am blessed as many in this world do not have what I have, just a rambling thought. I am feeling much better physically and even more so mentally. I think alot of the mental part is do to the fact I am eating right and I am not knocking down beers like a sailor on liberty every other day. My weight is now down to 215 and I am happy for that. I like I am sure many other people in the world wish the weight would come of quicker but I am enjoying the ride, so far.


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