Sunday, April 30, 2006

It's been just over a month now since I have started this adventure,a month and a week. Things are going very well, as good as I could have imagined. I am down to 210 and I am eating very well. I am not hungry at all and am only taking in about 1700 calories a day. I was concerned I wasn't taking in enough calories but was assured by "G" that as long as I wasn't hungry that my body is telling me "your doing just fine." "G" also turned me on to the glycemic index which I had no idea about and after some research seems not too many americans are hip to. I have found out that I have been eating the right foods and that gives me a little more confidence, as I am going to need it as today is my last day of smoking, hopefully! Yep, that's right tomorrow I stop smoking. I have abused this body long enough might as well go all out! I'll just have to stay a bit busier and I have some sugar-free hard candy to help with the cravings. I am confident that I shouldn't slip as I have taken off over 20pds and I am up-ing the weight in all my workouts. I am now doing 60min on cardio a couple times a week so I believe I should be able to whip the sticks!


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